A very bad swimmer
Hi, thanks for reading this it as you probubly guesed is my first post on my blog so i hope you enjoy it. Have you read the title of this post? If you havent I will tell you it is called "A very bad swimmer" wich suits me pefectly i just joined swimming lesons as it is summer and my mom says I should i was terrified i was at least five years older than the other kids there and i am in the 2nd level!!!!!!!!!! So as I was starting swimming lesons I found out that I was also the worst swimmer there which made it even worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now the lesson is over (duh) and humilation city is done i am sitting at the computer typing my first post and that is all i have to say exept for I CAN'T EVEN PUT MY HEAD UNDER WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you and goodbye.
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